Diada de Catalunya 2022
Performance / 11.09.2022
For the Diada, the Catalan national day, on the 11th of september 2022, we build pilars and castells in different locations in Berlin.

We started in front of the Bundestag, the German Parliament, with a pilar de 3 (p3d) before building 4 pilar de 2 in front of the Brandenburg Gate. After a short break under the starry sky of the underground station Museumsinsel and a pilar de 3 in front of the main building of the Humboldt University, we built a pom elevat de torre amb acotxaneta in front of the Berlin Cathedral.
Under the shining sun, we finished our tour with 2 pilar de 3 in front of the town hall of Berlin and the television tower, the Fernsehturm, at the Alexanderplatz.