
Our best pictures


Sant Xoan Gaua

Performance | Mitte
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10 years Xiquets of Conpenhagen

Performance | Copenhagen
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Karneval der Kulturen 2024

Performance and rehearsal | Kreuzberg
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Spargelfest 2024

Performance | Schöneberg
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Friedenau im Frühling

Performance and workshop | Friedenau
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Performance in the Kulturbrauerei

Performance | Prenzlauerberg
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Frauen*kampftag 08.März

Demo | Berlin
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Performace at the Catalan Week – Mitte Meer

Performance | Kreuzberg
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Human Towers Festival in Copenhagen

Performance / 3.6.2023 / Copenhagen
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Rehearsal and performance at the Karneval der Kulturen

26.5 – 29.5.2023 / Kreuzberg
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Spargelfest 2023

Aufführung / 14.5.2023 / Schöneberg
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castellers de berlin per sant jordi

Activities for Sant Jordi 2023

Performance/Workshop / 22.4.2023 / Kreuzberg
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Women’s pillar at the Women’s Day demonstration

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Interview for rbb

Rehearsal – Interview / 2.3.2023

The radio and TV chanel rbb (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg) visits us a second time.

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mocador Castellers de Berlin

Students of the FU and HU visit Castellers de Berlin

Rehearsal/Workshop | 20.1.2023

Today, students from the Freie Universität and the Humboldt Universität of Berlin joined us for the rehearsal.

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El Colmado

Performance and workshop / 29.10.2022

At El Colmado, Berlin.

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Diada de Catalunya 2022

Performance / 11.09.2022

For the Diada, the Catalan national day, on the 11th of september 2022, we build pilars and castells in different locations in Berlin.

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Kürbisfest in Schöneberg

Performance / 2.10.2022

This year we will perform again at the Kürbisfest in Schöneberg on 2.10.2022.

Sunday, 2 October 2022
Akazienstraße, Schöneberg

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Tag des Offenen Denkmals

Performance / 10.9.2022

10th of September for the Tag des Offenen Denkmals at the Restaurierungswerkstätten Berlin, located in Richterstraße 6, 12524 Berlin-Grünau (to get there: S-Bahn Grünau S8, S85, S46).

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Festes de Gràcia and Castells Competition

Remember also the already announced events in summer and autumn (two events to which we are invited to take part together with our godfathers Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia, not explicitly as Castellers de Berlin):

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Familiensportfest 2022

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Performace in Cologne with Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia

Event 3xUNESCO

After a two-year break, we act again. On Whit Monday (June 6th, 2022) we have a big appointment with our godparents the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia (CVG) in front of the cathedral of Cologne.

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castellers de berlin per sant jordi

Activities for St. Jordi’s Day

23rd April 2022/ Berlin
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Workshop / Berlin 2021

On 22. august the annual Familiensportfest will take place and we are part of it. It will be in a decentralised manner. For us it will be at the sports park Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 1, 10997 Berlin.

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