Castellers de Berlin


Stay up to date with Castellers de Berlin

Am 3. Mai 2025 findet in Berlin das nächste Internationale Treffen Katalanischer Menschentürme statt. Hier findet ihr alle Informationen rund um die Organisation der Veranstaltung.

El proper 3 de maig de 2025 tindrà lloc a Berlin la propera Diada Castellera de Colles internacionals. Aquí trobareu tota la informació relacionada amb l’organització de l’esdeveniment.

On May 3, 2025, the International Human Tower Fest will take place in Berlin. Here you can find all the information related to the organization of the event.


You can find our rehearsal, performance and event dates on our public calendars in the events page.


Come to Build Human Towers

Join us and become part of an amazing group.

Come visit us directly at the rehearsal or write us.